Specified key was too long – Migration error – Laravel

If you encounter this error when migrating database in your Laravel project, “Specified key was too long” then you might be using an older version of MySQL or MariaDB.

To fix it. Go to your App directory then Providers and open AppServiceProvider.php

Specified key was too long - Migration error - Laravel
Specified key was too long – Migration error – Laravel

Add the Schema Facad at the top “use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schema;

Then paste this inside Boot function “Schema::defaultStringLength(191);

That’s it! Run your migration again.

How To Install Laravel

How to install laravel is fairly easy. A beginner like can do it. Working on dependencies, Laravel uses PHP composer. You need to install Composer in your computer before installing Laravel.

First – Visit the following link and download composer to install it to your system.

Next – After the Composer is installed, you can check if it’s installed properly in your system by typing “composer” in your command prompt.

command prompt composer laravel
command prompt composer laravel

Next – Create a directory inside your working location, if you’re using XAMPP then go to C:/xampp/htdocs then create a folder. name it as the name of your project. I would name mine “laravel” so the directory would be C:/xampp/htdocs/laravel.

Open Command Prompt then go to the directory you just created, once inside, type the following code to start installing Laravel composer create-project laravel/laravel –-prefer-dist

composer create-project laravel/laravel –-prefer-dist
composer create-project laravel/laravel –-prefer-dist

Wait for it to finish the install.

Next – To start the laravel service, type the following inside your laravel directory. php artisan serve

composer laravel php artisan serve
composer laravel php artisan serve

You may need to restart your computer after installing Composer.

Finish – Make sure that Apache server is running, go to your browser and type localhost/laravel/laravel/public/ for my project

laravel intro browser
laravel intro browser

Fix the CSS Bug in Divi Theme Front End Builder

This article shows how to fix the css bug in Divi theme front end builder.

If you’re using Divi Theme from Elegant Themes, then you’d have probably encounterd a bug in the Frontend Builder feature. That is if you added a mobdule/block to the front end and try to edit it’s settings, you cannot click the elements inside the settings Popup.

Here is an image example:

In the image above, if you cannot click any of the elements in that popup settings eg(Max Width, Header Font, Header Color) then you have a similar problem.

Also if you try to change the the background color of the module, the popup settings background will also change.


  • Go to your Theme Directory via FTP or Cpanel File Manager
    • That would be /wp-content/themes/Divi
  • Go to the following sub directory /includes/builder/scripts/ext
  • Locate and Open wp-color-picker-alpha.js
  • Search for the term “absolute”
    • The code should look like this ‘position’: ‘absolute’,
  • Replace the word “absolute” with “relative”.
    • So the code now would be ‘position’: ‘relative’,
  • The same with wp-color-picker-alpha.min.js,
  • Open wp-color-picker-alpha.min.js
  • Search for the term “absolute”
    • The code would look like this ….height:”100%”,position:”absolute”….
  • Replace the word “absolute” with “relative”
    • So the code now would be ….height:”100%”,position:”relative”….
  • Upload and replace the files in your website.

That’s it! Refresh and clear the Browser Cache and enjoy using Divi Theme smoothly without the buggy CSS.

Get Rid Of Your Lazy Personality

Get rid of your lazy personality, but how? Why are you still poor? That should be the most often asked question to ourselves. Why is it a question? Because it’s hard to know the answer. Or maybe the answer was there all along, we’re just too dumb to realize or too busy doing other things which aren’t supposed to be in our priority. Being poor is not just about not having enough money. Being poor is about your personality, yourself, lacking the discipline on basically just everything or most of the things in life.  Be aware of these per

We all get there sometimes, stuck, confused and lost off your purpose, not for all maybe but I think most people. I have always been a very busy person, when I say busy, busy on progressing myself, my work and my projects. I knew what I wanted, and I knew how to get it. Those were the days where my momentum is unstoppable. I even pushed on starting my own company because there’s a boost of client sales and projects.

It felt good, I felt confident and satisfied. Everything’s going well, there are ups and downs in my career and I don’t know what happened since then, everything changed. I lost my momentum, I lost my clients, my projects, my money-making routine.  I’ve become lazy, my mind became lazy, my focus went down, my eagerness to learn vanished. I started taking clients for granted, I lost everything.

Being satisfied while being a fool is a bad combination. I admit, I felt satisfied, I took things for granted, I felt confident, I said to myself, this is life, and I should remain like this in order to enjoy life. What a bad idea.

I never realized that I was still young, 23 at that time and I have so much to learn. Being arrogant and having false confidence, I stopped listening to other people, I only listened to myself, and so here right now, I’m 26, 3 years of being dumb and stupid without realizing it.

I would like to list what I learned from my mistakes.

The qualities of a lazy person and know how to get rid of your lazy personality.

1. Easily Loses Motivation
2. He Knows/Wishes What He Wants But Doesn’t Fully Focus On Getting It
3. Out of Focus
4. Takes Time For Granted
5. Procrastinating
6. Sleeps a lot and do useless things

You should first know this 6 symptoms to get rid of your lazy personality.

If you find yourself to have these characteristics then you’re in trouble, you may not realize it now but soon you will see how it materializes and affects your future. I realized that as we are still younger, you must develop good characteristics. If you’re a student and is always late, you will carry that bad late-habit when you start working.

We always hear the saying and similar quotes that lazy people will always become poor, it’s Biblical, it’s practical, it’s a reality. Get rid of your lazy personality now, so you can start growing.

If you want to know more about self improvement, feel free to contact me and we can share our thoughts with each other.

Restricting Your Work On Your Work Station

Restricting your work on your work station, most people prefer to buy gaming computers and gaming laptops. Everybody wants a super fast computer. The size of the PC game a computer can smoothly handle defines its power, speed and performance.

So you got a super fast computer. Now what? You can work on Excel, Word, Skype, or text editors for coding. After work, you can watch your favorite movies at 4K quality. After dinner, you can play the heaviest games in the market, both online and offline at the highest graphic quality without your computer crashing.

Play games, watch movies, browse social media in your computer, that sounds fun but it’s leading you to your failure. You’re tempted of-course. TV series are addicting, games are more addicting especially online games. Work? Work is tiring and boring. FB’s Zuck, Bill Gates, do you think they had the time to do those things? Even if they had the time, do you think they care about the simple pleasures 99.9% do? No they don’t.

Humans are given free will. We are all free. Free to do what you want, free will and free decisions.  Freedom also leads to being forgetful. You may be inspired one moment, then you’ll go full hopeless the next. And you may gain wisdom about something, then you forget about it the other day. We all have that, what I do is take note of every wisdom, every idea, every great philosophy, every innovation that comes to my mind so I won’t forget it.

To cure this common human trait, you need to set rules for yourself. Your own rules for your own self. That leads to the title of this post. “Restricting Your Work On Your Work Station – Programming Your Mind”. Programming is all about rules. Rules or instructions. If you do this, it will do that. Machines do not change. What instructions it gets, it will follow the instructions without fail. Humans change, it will or will not follow rules. What we need is to program our minds to do things that will lead to success. It’s a type of self-discipline.

If you want to know more, or share your similar experience, contact me so we can discuss and make the world better.